
Why do I need KiwiSaver?

Everyone is now familiar with KiwiSaver. As one of New Zealand’s main retirement savings schemes, it has been instrumental in raising awareness about being prepared for your future retirement.

You can join at any age up to 65, from the day you are born. A work-based scheme that is voluntary to join but compulsory for employers to contribute to. KiwiSaver was created to help financially prepare New Zealanders for retirement with the help of professional managers such as Milford, Generate and Booster.

When you start working, you can choose to contribute at a rate of 3%, 4% or 8% of your income while the compulsory rate for employers is 3%. It is an easy way to save and prepare for the future. The government has added numerous incentives to the KiwiSaver programme as well. At age 65 and at least a minimum of 5 years enrolled, you will receive a lump sum payout.

Key Benefits:

  • Government contribution $521.43 per year

  • Compulsory employer contribution of 3% of salary

  • Lump sum payment at age 65

  • First home subsidy

  • Homestart Grant


For more information, contact us below for a complimentary consultation.