Importance of Income Insurance

Ask yourself; what is your biggest asset?

Your house or your earning potential?

Average House Price in NZ = $930,000. Do you insure this?  I bet the answer is YES

Average Earning Potential to Age 65 in NZ + $2,500,000. Do you insure this?  I bet the answer is NO

The average income of a 30-year-old New Zealander is $70,000, which over your working life through to age 65, is $2.5 million (in today’s dollar terms).

Your income could be over in a heartbeat if you suffer a major illness and do not have your biggest asset protected.

If you end up unable to work due to sickness you can rely on approximately $403.00 per week before Tax from the Government.

Could you survive on this?

Phone us NOW to discuss your individual situation and let us help you protect your Income.


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House Insurance