KiwiSaver Government Contributions
Remember the end of June is the DEADLINE to contribute to your KiwiSaver to receive $521.43 of FREE money.
Get what is yours, DO NOT MISS OUT.
New Zealanders could be missing out on hundreds of thousands of dollars by not contributing to their KiwiSaver.
KiwiSaver is a guaranteed 50% return on your investment of $1,042.86.
If you are over 18 and under 65 you are eligible to receive this Government contribution whether you are self-employed, an employee or not working.
If we already look after your KiwiSaver please phone our Office to find out how much you need to contribute to get your share of the Government’s money.
If you are with another provider and would like us to advise you on your KiwiSaver we are here to help.
It’s also a great time to check your Fund choice, should you be in High Growth, Balanced Growth, or Conservative? A few quick questions can answer this.
Are you on the correct tax rate? Let us help with this too.
We will make sure your KiwiSaver is working as hard as it possibly can for you.
Please contact us NOW to find out if you are on track